Student Leadership at Lourdes Hill College is a pivotal aspect of College life. Our wellbeing, service, cultural, sporting and academic programs offer our students many opportunities to develop and demonstrate their leadership skills in the Junior, Middle and Senior School.
Through the Stella Wellbeing Curriculum Program, students in all year levels develop the key leadership skills of building relationships, listening, negotiating, problem-solving, decision making and resilience.
Leadership skill-building opportunities are offered through our signature programs including Stella Days, Creative Spectacular, Mirragin Program, Big Sister/Little Sister Program and Magic in the Middle School. Student conferences, the Lord Mayor student leadership programs and student leadership networking events are examples of external events that provide leadership development.
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Students apply to lead the Junior School, Middle School and Senior School through a formal leadership application process. Our year 6, Year 9 and Year 12 leaders assist in shaping the service, spiritual, cultural, sporting, academic, Mirragin and wellbeing aspects of College culture whilst serving as role models and mentors for members of the College community. Year 9, 10 and 11 students apply to lead Home Rooms and student voice as House and Home Group representatives. Student leaders contribute to House and Student Councils.
Student voice is encouraged through our wellbeing, Co-curricular, academic, Mirragin and leadership programs. This includes Home Group, House Council, Junior, Middle School and Senior School Student Council and Senior Student Forum.
Students in Years 8, 9 and 11 apply to be ‘Big Sisters’ for Years 5, 6 and 7 students. This signature program offers students the role of mentor and role model for younger members of the Lourdes Hill College community.