
Wellbeing is fundamental to all that we do at Lourdes Hill College. 

The wellbeing of students and staff is integral to the holistic education at the heart of Lourdes Hill College. We equip students, Parents & Caregivers, and staff with the skills and strategies to build a flourishing life; a life where they may learn, love, grow and thrive. 
We focus on connection and belonging, building strong student relationships and engagement in College life. Through participation in a wide variety of Curricular and Co-curricular activities our students strengthen their self-confidence, sense of purpose, resilience and joy. They also broaden their perspectives on the world. 

Wellbeing is integral to learning success. Young people who care for self and others, who are hope filled and authentically engaged in making a positive difference in the world are students who strengthen their capacity for learning and personal achievement. 
Our Stella Wellbeing Framework underpins all programs at Lourdes Hill College, ensuring our young people and our staff understand and develop the evidence-based elements for a thriving life.

Stella Wellbeing Framework

Equipping our community with a toolkit of skills and strategies to navigate the peaks and valleys of life is a proactive approach to wellbeing based on evidence-based theories, 21st-century pedagogies and Benedictine values and teachings. 
It is a Wellbeing Framework that promotes student flourishing, where inner joy is developed through tending to intellectual, emotional, physical and spiritual needs. 

The LHC Stella Wellbeing Framework underpins our wellbeing approach at Lourdes Hill College. It has been developed from the work of Positive Psychology expert Martin Seligman and consists of seven dimensions that together create the tapestry of conditions necessary for human flourishing to occur. 

Flourishing also encompasses Benedictine values and the key teachings of Christ - to be our best functional selves by:

  • being compassionate towards self and others
  • being grateful for our individual gifts, the gifts of others and our environment
  • to share, show compassion, be purposeful
  • to create meaning in relationships with others. 

Through this Wellbeing Framework, we ensure a holistic approach to the education of our young people, so they have the knowledge and skills to shape positive pathways for themselves and make a positive impact in the world. 

The Stella Wellbeing Curriculum Program

The Stella Wellbeing Curriculum Program supports the specific teaching of our wellbeing toolkit and is a weekly, bespoke, evidence-based program designed for each year level and their developmental needs. The program is delivered by teachers, College Psychologists and guest speakers/professionals. 

Wellbeing data analysis is consistently used to update the Stella Wellbeing Program.

The concepts and skills covered throughout the Junior, Middle and Senior School programs include:

  • Understanding Brain Development
  • Managing Emotions
  • Building and Maintaining Friendships 
  • Respectful Relationships
  • Accessing Support Networks
  • Positive Self-talk
  • Character Strengths
  • Christian Meditation
  • Gratitude
  • Problem solving and Decision Making
  • Leadership Skills 
  • Understanding and Managing Stress
  • Mental Health
  • Growth Mindset and Flow
  • Meaning and Purpose
  • Goal Setting
  • Physical Health- the Mind-Body Connection 
  • Financial Literacy
  • Positivity vs Pessimism

Stella Days

Students in all year levels put their wellbeing learning into practice through our Stella Days. These are whole cohort days where students work together to learn, laugh and grow, through physical, problem-solving activities. 

Years 5, 7 and 9 Stella Days are overnight camps. Year 12 Stella Days include a two-night Retreat. Year 6 Stella Days include an optional trip to Canberra. 

House System

Students are members of a House, which forms the basis of their pastoral care. The College Houses are Beck, Cullen, D’Arcy, Healy, Hendriks, Lee, McKee and Roche, each named after a significant woman in the life of the College. It is in these Houses that students participate in Home Groups, and sporting and cultural activities.

Students are a member of a Home Group which meets each morning and is led by Senior students and a Home Group teacher. The Home Groups comprise students from Years 7 through to Year 12 where strong relationships and mentoring occurs throughout their Lourdes Hill College Journey.

House Pastoral Leaders work closely with Home Group teachers to support student wellbeing. Students are further supported by a strong network of professionals including College Psychologists, the Faculty of Differentiated Learning, Academic Mentoring teachers and the Dean of Student Wellbeing.

Senior School Wellbeing

Leadership, student voice, purpose, relationships and health are key to the wellbeing, and therefore academic success of our Senior School students. Within a caring and compassionate environment, our Senior School students flourish as they step-up to more responsibility, opportunities for leadership and develop their sense of self.

The Stella Wellbeing Curriculum program focuses on respectful relationships and the skills and knowledge to proactively manage mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health. Students are prepared for their transition to life beyond the College gates and in making a positive impact in the world. 

In House and Home Groups, our Senior school students become mentors and leaders for the Middle School students, building House spirit and shaping our College community. Students work closely with their Home Group teacher and House Pastoral Leader to ensure they are supported throughout their learning journey at Lourdes Hill College. Students have the opportunity to be ‘Big Sisters’ to Year 7 students. 



Friday 9 May

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