
Catholic education in the Good Samaritan Benedictine tradition is committed to developing students who will engage with today’s world as grounded, hope-filled young people who are equipped to lead wisely, to listen deeply and to treat their neighbour and their environment with justice, love and the compassion of Christ.

Our Service Groups provide an additional avenue for students to be of service to their neighbour. Service Groups are open to all students in Years 7-12 and meetings are conducted fortnightly at lunchtime. Groups aim to raise awareness of important issues and conduct fundraising activities to support their causes.

The aim of the Outreach Program is to give students in Years 10-12 an opportunity to actively live out the Good Samaritan Benedictine tradition of community, compassion, effective listening and moral stability. We have eight programs that fall under the Outreach umbrella. Five programs focus on those experiencing homelessness and three programs focus on community outreach. 
Our Outreach Partners:

  • Coffee Brigade Sandwich Making (Yrs 10 - 12) 
  • Meals on Wheels’ Letterbox Drop (Yrs 10 - 12)
  • Eat Up Sandwich Making (Yrs 10 - 12)
  • Emmanuel City Mission (Yrs 11 - 12)
  • Micah Projects (Yrs 11 - 12)
  • Salvation Army’s Sunday Roast (Yrs 11 - 12)
  • Rosies (Yr 12)
  • St Cecilia’s (Yr 8-12 music students)

Service Groups

The Benenson Society is the Human Rights Group at Lourdes Hill College. Students in this Service Group help raise awareness about issues such as domestic violence, homelessness, trafficking and poverty. Each year, they also initiate White Ribbon Day and support children at risk around the world. Students in this group know that through their awareness-raising of unjust and unfair conditions for people in Australia and across the world, they are making a difference.

HOPe stands for Hospitality Outreach Program. This group aims to assist St Paul’s Catholic Primary School, Woodridge and St Flannan’s School, Zillmere, in supporting people seeking 
Asylum. As part of this program, LHC welcomes students from diverse cultural backgrounds to the College for a fun day of activities run by the HOPe students. 

As a Service Group, L’Arche attempts to raise awareness about people living with intellectual disabilities. The L’Arche community is a place of growth where relationships are central, and each person is supported so that they can attain their full potential.

Students in this Service Group help promote initiatives that raise awareness about intellectual disabilities. The group regularly welcomes guest speakers from L’Arche Brisbane to their meetings.

Mind Over Matter is a Service Group that raises awareness about mental health and wellbeing, looking for ways to help people keep mind, body and spirit in balance.

Students in this Service Group help promote wellbeing and a supportive culture within the College.

SPARC stands for Students Protecting and Restoring Creation and includes Protecting Animal Welfare (PAW). This group is concerned about the environment and what can be done to sustain it for future generations. They also raise awareness about animal welfare. Our initiatives for sustainability encourage students to think and act in ways that respect our environment. 

STAR stands for the Santa Teresa and Reconciliation Service Group. As a Service Group, STAR raises awareness about current Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander issues and what can be done to support our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander citizens. Students are also involved in understanding the need for reconciliation and what action can be undertaken to make this process a reality.

As a Service Group, St Vincent de Paul aims to help those in need in the local community. We are a sub-section of the Society of St Vincent de Paul which works to serve the wider community. 

At Lourdes Hill College, students in this Service Group help promote initiatives such as the Term 3 Winter Appeal. In Term 4, students help promote the Christmas Appeal which requires donations from our school community to help families through the stress of Christmas.

Outreach Programs

Students involved in this program make sandwiches for the Coffee Brigade (formerly the Ecumenical Coffee Brigade). The sandwiches are taken out on the Coffee Brigade van the following day and distributed to people experiencing homelessness. 

Students are involved in the Meals on Wheels Bulimba and Districts program by delivering brochures to the community to raise awareness of this iconic organisation. EAT UP Students involved in this program make sandwiches for the not-for-profit organisation, Eat Up Australia. The sandwiches made by the students are then distributed by Eat Up to schools to provide lunch to vulnerable children in the community. 

Students involved in this program make sandwiches for the not-for-profit organisation, Eat Up Australia. The sandwiches made by the students are then distributed by Eat Up to schools to provide lunch to vulnerable children in the community. 

Students involved in this program pack toiletry bags and grocery hampers at Micah Projects for people in need.

Students involved in this program help serve a hot lunch at Salvation Army Brisbane Streetlevel to people experiencing hardship and homelessness. 

Students involved in this program accompany Rosies’ volunteers to share conversation and a warm drink to those living on the street.

Students involved in this program visit Regis Aged Care to perform music pieces for the residents. 



Friday 9 May

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