Senior School Academic Mentoring

‘Mentoring’ can be defined as providing a structured, trusting and ongoing relationship that brings young people together with caring individuals who offer guidance, support and encouragement 
(adapted from the National Youth Mentoring Benchmark, 2007)

Our Academic Mentoring Program assists in formally developing relationships between students and their Academic Mentors in order to support and encourage students to meet their full academic potential.

A main focus of the program is continual reflection on academic progress and the setting of realistic and attainable learning goals. Along with this, the program actively promotes a sense of connectedness for students. This marriage of academic and pastoral aims recognises the inderdependence of a girls' wellbeing and her ability to thrive academically.

The Program aims to support and encourage students to meet their full potential by:

  • Providing the opportunity for students to reflect on their academic progress in a structured manner
  • Providing comprehensive and easily interpreted data regarding student progress, for both the student and mentor
  • Developing an on-going relationship between the mentor and the student, in order to support the student on their academic journey
  • Assisting students in developing resilience with regard to academic performance, as well as the motivation to succeed
  • Guiding students through the process of setting realistic and attainable “Learning Goals”, which work towards academic success
  • Allowing students to develop a better understanding of themselves as a learner
  • Assisting students in assessing their success at meeting their “Learning Goals”
  • Assisting in the development of good study behaviours, time management and organisational skills 
  • Equipping students with the tools required to achieve balance between their academic life and other aspects of their lives.