Wellbeing at LHC

The wellbeing of students and staff is integral to the holistic education at the heart of Lourdes Hill College. We aim to equip students, parents and staff with the skills and strategies to build a flourishing life, based on positive emotions, engagement, positive relationships, meaning and purpose, achievement, spirituality and health. This is a proactive approach to wellbeing. To do this we combine research-based wellbeing theory and 21st century pedagogies with the values and teachings of the Benedictine tradition.

Through the LHC Wellbeing Program, we aim to create a place of joy and love of learning, where students treat each other kindly, talk to staff and seek help when needed, and utilise skills and strategies to manage their own thoughts, emotions and relationships. A proactive approach to wellbeing!

No one element defines well-being, but each contributes to it. Some aspects of these five elements are measured subjectively by self-report, but other aspects are measured objectively.Using this model as our framework, we can understand flourishing as the state that we create when we tend to each aspect of the PERMASH model:
• Increasing our positive emotions
• Engaging with the world and our work (or hobbies)
• Developing deep and meaningful relationships
• Finding meaning and purpose in our lives
• Achieving our goals through cultivating and applying our strengths and talents
• Understanding the importance of sleep
• Exercise and nutrition for optimal health, and finding comfort/inspiration in our connections to things greater than ourselves and our search for the ‘other’

Before the Framework design - The LHC Wellbeing Framework, based on extensive evidence-based research, combines 7 components for a flourishing life. The Wellbeing Framework underpins all that we do at LHC.

After the Wellbeing Framework design - Student Wellbeing is supported at LHC through:

  • Curriculum programs
  • Co-curricular programs
  • The Stella Program- our bespoke wellbeing curriculum
  • Stella Days- wellbeing days for each year level
  • Data Analysis – use of weekly and annual wellbeing data collection, analysis, evaluation and program modification
  • Staff Professional Development
  • Parent Programs

Ackerman, C. E. (2021, May 26). “Flourishing in Positive Psychology: Definition and 8 Practical Tips”. Flourishing in Positive Psychology: Definition + 8 Practical Tips

Institute of Character. (n.d.). Character Strengths. Retrieved January 20, from Find Your 24 Character Strengths | Personal Strengths List | VIA Institute (viacharacter.org)

Seligman, M. (2011, April). “Authentic Happiness”. What is Well-Being? | Authentic Happiness (upenn.edu)

Sisters of the Good Samaritan of the Order of St Benedict. (n.d.). Retrieved January 20, from Our Spirituality | The Sisters of The Good Samaritan (goodsams.org.au)

Suldo, Thalji, & Ferron. (2011). “The Academic benefits of Positive Education”.

Further Reading

ACER. (2020, October 9). Student wellbeing programs improve academic outcomes. 

Beyond Blue. (n.d.). Statistics. Retrieve don August 9, from Statistics - Beyond Blue

Student wellbeing Hub (n.d.). Australian Student Wellbeing Framework. Retrieved January 20, from Australian Student Wellbeing Framework | Student Wellbeing Hub