
We are delighted to present our Lourdes Hill College Strategic Plan 2024 -2028. This plan recognises the key role of our Good Samaritan Benedictine charism, not only in the daily life of the College but also in shaping our responses to future challenges.

The Parable of the Good Samaritan, the Rule of St Benedict, and the Hope and Healing of Lourdes are at the heart of all we do. Through the wisdom of this tradition, our students are guided and empowered to realise their potential: generating a love of life, and a passion for learning. That is, developing skills that are required to transform our world for the better.

This plan aims to provide a road map to intentionally respond to the challenges of a rapidly changing contemporary world, in a Benedictine way.

The Strategic Plan 2024-2028 is a co-construction between the College Board and the Leadership Team. The depth and breadth of this plan is a testament to the collaborative nature of our College, and our joint commitment to living our mission.

Each person involved in creating the plan including Students, Staff, Parents and Caregivers, Past Pupils, and our Board, is committed to providing the best possible Good Samaritan education for our students.

We look forward to working with our community to implement this ambitious plan. We aim to develop and action many opportunities for our students to be empowered: to transform our world in a Benedictine way.

Mr Roger Lazaratti, Board Chair & Mrs Kay Gleeson, Principal



Friday 9 May

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