Frequently Asked Questions

Question Answer
When will the first stage of the Master Plan commence?
The College Master Plan (Towards 2040) identifies seven key infrastructure projects which the College will look to stage and deliver across the next 20 years. It is anticipated that specific planning and design for the first stage, including Council approvals and community consultation, will commence in 2022, in preparation for construction across 2023/24.
How will the Master Plan be funded?
Due to the detailed design undertaken by Wilson Architects and the College and the ability for the Master Plan to be progressively staged it is the College’s expectation and intention to be able to deliver each project through a balance of savings and borrowings. Some projects may involve additional fundraising across the broader College community. Such fundraising would be managed by the Lourdes Hill Foundation.
Will school fees need to rise to pay for the Master Plan?
No. Due to the detailed design undertaken by Wilson Architects and the College school fees will not need to fund any specific Master Plan project. Any increase to school fees will purely to be support annual College operational requirements.
Is the College planning to increase Student Numbers?
No. The Master Plan has not been designed with an intent to accommodate an increase to student numbers. The focus of the Plan is to support the long-term delivery of state of the art contemporary teaching and learning facilities, a clearly defined transport and safety strategy, supporting infrastructure to help ensure the physical and emotional wellbeing of our students and staff and a clearly articulated and realised environmental sustainability framework.
What will the Order of Projects in the Master Plan be?
Wilson Architects have worked closely with the College Executive to prioritise staging of works, in line with the projected College budget ensuring that the Final Masterplan has been costed and programmed to minimise future impact upon the College community. In addition, the Plan has involved co-ordinated Traffic and Pedestrian safety studies and looked at the best approval pathways for the Master Plan to be developed. Notwithstanding these outcomes, the Plan remains an aspirational document. The final order of the Master Plan projects will ultimately be determined by the feasibility of implementing each project at a particular time as well as feedback from community consultation, financial implications, strategic need etc.
Will there be community consultation regarding the Plan implementation?
Yes. In support of the Plan’s creation and development, Wilson Architects consulted heavily with the broader College community, conducting interviews, focus groups and surveys with parents, staff, students, Executive and Board. The Plan was also developed in consultation with Town Planners, Traffic Engineers, Sustainability Engineers and Surveyors. It is the expectation that as individual projects are now brought forward and development approvals sought, further consultation will take place with the Brisbane City Council as well as the broader College and local communities.
Will there be disruption to school facilities or neighbouring properties during the implementation of the Plan?
Any major construction project will likely cause some disruption or restriction to traditional College operations. However the detailed design undertaken by Wilson Architects and the ability for the Master Plan to be progressively staged, is expected to assist with minimising such impacts. In addition, the College will always provide appropriate periods of notice regarding any impending development and work closely with the broader College and local communities to ensure all possible consideration has been provided.

What Happens Next?

Further information on the College Master Plan (Towards 2040), including a dedicated website and summary document, prepared by Wilson Architects, will be made available in the coming months.

In the meantime should you have any questions about the Master Plan, please contact the College via [email protected]