
The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is an international youth development program for young people aged 14-24.

The Bridge Level Award is open to young people aged between 11 and a half and 25. It builds confidence and resilience and is a great introduction to the Bronze Level Award. It has the same sections as the Award levels but requires less time.

The Duke of Edinburgh has three Award levels and students can choose the level that's right for them: Bronze, Silver or Gold. Each level has different time commitments.

To finish the Bronze and Silver levels students have to complete four Award sections and five for the Gold level.

Students design their own program around the things that interest them most.

The Award sections are:

  • Voluntary Service—get involved in your community and give service to others.
  • Skills—build your skills in something practical or creative, such as drawing, painting, fishing, or music.
  • Physical Recreation—take part in something active such as football, basketball, dancing, surfing or swimming.
  • Adventurous Journey—discover a sense of adventure and do something challenging with your friends.
  • Gold Residential Project—broaden your horizons and open your eyes to the world.


Friday 9 May

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