The Junior School Curriculum is derived from both the Australian Curriculum and the Brisbane Catholic Education Religious Education Curriculum. Through integrated and interconnected units of work, this curriculum is brought to life in a real-world, hands-on, and authentic manner. A key emphasis is placed on literacy and numeracy development, with dedicated time blocks allocated to these foundational areas on a daily basis. The units of work are academically rigorous, and additional support and extension opportunities are readily available to meet the diverse needs of our students.
With their core classroom teacher, students will participate in Religious Education, English, Mathematics, Science, HASS (Humanities and Social Sciences) and Technologies. The Arts (Drama, Visual Art, Music), HPE and Japanese are delivered by our specialist teachers.
Additionally, our students actively engage in our distinctive signature programs: Academic Mentoring, Stella Wellbeing, Junior Stars, and Shining Samaritans. These programs extend beyond the standard curriculum, offering a comprehensive educational experience that encompasses the whole student. They focus on developing executive functioning skills, fostering organisational abilities, introducing developmentally appropriate wellbeing practices, exploring practical applications of technology, and providing opportunities for meaningful community service.
In Religious Education, students explore the four strands of Sacred Texts, Beliefs, Church and Christian Life. Examples of components of the program include gaining an understanding of the history of the Catholic Church in Australia, learning how to use Biblical tools and exploring the concept of Christian charity and moral choices.
Students engage in the three interrelated strands of Language, Literature and Literacy through dedicated literacy blocks. Together, these three strands focus on developing students’ knowledge, understanding and skills in listening, reading, viewing, speaking, writing and creating. Students interact with audiences for different purposes, engage with a variety of texts and continue to develop their independence as readers of complex texts. Students will create a range of texts that include narratives, procedures, performances, reports, reviews, poetry, arguments and explanations.
Students will participate in a hands-on Mathematics Program that caters for a wide variety of learning abilities.
They will engage in a range of approaches to learning and doing mathematics that develop their understanding of and fluency with concepts, procedures and processes by making connections, reasoning, problem-solving and practice. Students are encouraged to employ mathematical strategies to make informed decisions and solve problems efficiently.
The Science Curriculum explores the four strands of Chemical Sciences, Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences and Earth and Space Science, alongside the development of Scientific Inquiry Skills and an exploration of Science as a Human Endeavour. Students explore topics such as electrical circuits, discover the phenomenon of light, investigate the impact of the relative positions of the Earth, Moon and Sun and examine the requirements of living things while following the scientific process.
In Humanities and Social Sciences, students cover the four strands of History, Geography, Economics & Business and Civics & Citizenship alongside a development of historical investigation skills. Year 5 focuses on ‘Australian Communities – their past, present and possible futures,’ and Year 6 focuses on “Australia in the past and present, and its connections with a diverse world.’
Students complete both Design Technologies and Digital Technologies. They collaboratively follow the design thinking process in a variety of problem-solving situations that are interconnected with other learning areas and the Junior Stars Program.
Students in Years 5 & 6 in 2025 will engage in an Immersive Music Program. Here, students will learn either a string instrument (violin, viola, cello, double bass) or a band instrument (flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, French horn, trombone) via weekly group lessons. Students will also participate in Visual Art, using various mediums to communicate meaning. Making activities will focus on students’ development of skills in a range of drawing, painting and collage techniques. Finally, students will undertake Drama using voice and movement to convey meaning to an audience. They will develop skills of staging, characterisation, movement and voice as well as script interpretation and ensemble skills.
Junior School students will engage in Health and Physical Education to build essential motor skills, teamwork, and a strong understanding of health and wellbeing. Through a combination of practical activities and theory, students will develop coordination, fitness, and knowledge about maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Junior School students will study Japanese, fostering language proficiency and cultural understanding through engaging and interactive lessons. They will explore foundational speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills, while also learning about Japanese customs and traditions.